Skip the scary parts

Automatically skip the scary scenes on Disney+, so your little ones can enjoy the rest of the movie.

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How it works

To install No Scary Parts, click the "Add to Chrome" button above. You'll be redirected to the Chrome store to finish the install.

Go to Disney+ and choose a supported movie to watch. While browsing Disney+, supported titles are marked next to the play button with the icon No Scary Parts Logo.

While playing, scenes with overly dramatic, traumatic, or just plain creepy moments are automatically skipped, maintaining continuity as much as possible. These scenes are highlighted in the progress bar.

Supported titles

Currently supported titles are listed below, with more on the way. Make your movie requests, including the specific scenes you'd like cut, in the comments here.


Not affiliated with Disney in any way. No guarantees are made on functionality. Disney+ is subject to change, and No Scary Parts in turn is subject to breakage. Only the U.S. region has been tested. Scary is subjective. Use at your own discretion, ideally with parental supervision at all times.


Made by Thomas Park. Check out his blog and his other projects. Follow him on Twitter at @thomashpark.